How to Know If You Have Latent TB
Tuberculosis is a disease that can be spread through bacteria. If someone sneezes or coughs, the microparticles can become airborne. People can inhale them and get infected. A healthy body can fight off the bacteria so it won’t become a problem. However, a high amount of it plus a weak immune system can make the person afflicted very sick. This is known as active TB. But there are also cases when the bacteria enter the body and stay there but remain asleep. This is known as latent TB.
It can be hard for a person to know if he or she has latent TB just because there are no outward symptoms. With active TB, symptoms such as coughing with blood, fever, night sweats, appetite loss, and exhaustion can manifest. These symptoms usually don’t manifest if you have latent TB.
Although it might not be a pressing problem at the moment, there is a chance that the sleeping TB bacteria in the body can “wake up”. You might not even know when you got it the first time or who you infected in the process, which is why it can be such a serious issue.
If you have been exposed to someone who has TB, it’s best to get tested. A tuberculosis skin test in Burnaby is one way to determine if you are positive for TB. A tuberculosis skin test in Burnaby can be obtained from clinics like TravelVAX.
If you recently traveled to a place where TB is rampant, you might want to get tested. TB is not something to be taken lightly.
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